Welcome to Flexible Wellness: Healing, Health, Happiness – Your Journey to Well-Being

The Flexible Wellness Club


Are you ready to step out of the weeds, find a flexible and forgiving approach to living your best life, and dive into a wellness journey that is uniquely created for you, by you?

The Flexible Wellness Club understands that the journey is uniquely yours alone — and that’s exactly why I’m here, not just to guide you but to walk the path with you, step by step, toward healing, health, and happiness.

  • Healing: Real healing starts with feeling, and you don’t have to do it alone. Flexible Wellness guides you through the transformative power of connecting with your body’s wisdom, embracing somatic practices that unlock deep emotions, and finding your flexible flow of freedom. Together, we explore the power of ‘feeling to heal,’ making space for genuine growth and self-discovery.

  • Health: With my Flexible approach, you aren’t just following a plan; you’re co-creating it. Whether we’re talking about the strategies of Food Freedom, the Game, movement, sleep, etc … we adapt self-care and radical self-care strategies to your life’s rhythm, not the other way around. Forget rigid regimes: my approach allows you to honor your body’s needs with love, choice, and flexibility, and with the community supporting you at every step, you quantum leap your transformation.

  • Happiness: Here’s where the magic happens! As you align with your body’s intuition and wisdom and heal old wounds, happiness becomes more than a goal; it becomes your natural state—your drug, if you will. You are the drug, and together you will find it.

This journey is about discovering ways to stay connected to yourself gaining access to your God-given energetic tools and support to make lasting, meaningful changes. With weekly deep dives into wellness topics thay you may or may not have explored yet, and energy work you begin to shift your perspectives. Having a supportive community that is in this conversation with you, we make this journey together celebrating each new awareness, lesson, and step forward.

Join us today, and let’s start celebrating your unique path to well-being and a fulfilled life. 

 All In, Hugs, Vera


Food Freedom:

Flavors of You! 

It’s a fork-dropping, mind-expanding, liberating experience like no other – and it’s Fun!

This is FOR YOU if you’re ready to:

  • Feel better about yourself and your body.
  • Enjoy food without guilt.
  • Understand the intelligence of your body.
  • Tune into your body’s innate wisdom to create lasting change.
  • Experience Breakthroughs, Transformation, and Freedom.

It’s time to say YES and Take Action!

This is not just about food and losing weight. The Food Freedom program uses the body as a source of intelligence that we’ve been mostly ignoring by focusing on a diet mindset.

In Food Freedom, we use a range of effective modalities and resources to create a holistic and sustainable approach to healing your relationship with food and your body.

You will no longer feel compelled to diet when you move into the flexible, forgiving, fluid flow of Food Freedom.

Throughout the 9-week live virtual program, you receive support from me and others in the community who understand what you are going through and have overcome the same struggles.

With my guidance, you will learn to create your unique, customized Food Freedom Game plan. You eat enough food, wake up your intuition and wisdom, and access a sense of trust within yourself. Creating daily transformation for a life you love.

I am passionate about working with women who say, “I’m Ready. Sign Me Up!

The core values of this program are anchored in an understanding that we can’t think our way to food freedom, we feel our way there.

You become fully aware, connected, and content with your body, and act in agreement with what is best for you.

In addition to weight loss, you will experience more energy, confidence, flexibility, strength, and healthier relationships in many areas of your life.

The next round of Food Freedom begins soon.

The weekly game plan focuses on energy; and the interconnection between food, mind, body, spirit, and life.

Are you ready to say YES to you?

Let’s begin your epic adventure. I got you…

Your investment is $447.

An overview of the weekly themes



Food Freedom 2.0 / Access Safety and Trust



Radical Self-Care and Body Acceptance



Healing Self-Sabotage / Tapping Intuition



Embodying Trust / Healing Self-sabotage



Personal Power / Self-Expression / Self-Soothing



Healing / Integration / Love

When you join Food Freedom, you get a

  • Fully supported 6-week program 
  • Weekly Live zooms hosted by Vera (45 minutes) tba
  • Weekly Live zoom movement and breathwork class Tuesday 6:15 pm Arizona time
  • FB group for daily check-ins, impromptu lives, and Q&A
  • Support from the community
  • Support from me, and so much more.

 Meet Vera Knight

Vera had a fantastic 20 plus year career as a personal trainer and weight loss/life coach.

The women she supported were trying to fix their weight, their lives, and their emotional messes by starting a new diet.  But soon after, old patterns would take over.

Thats because when you try to change behavior without doing the deeper work, you stay stuck in the diet trap.  The truth is behavior modification, like mindset work are limited.

Five years ago, Vera had a medical situation that she believes broke and woke her at the same time.

In this awakening, Vera discovered that somatic, body work, and energy work is essential, otherwise you continue to self-sabotage.

We’ve got to address the ‘trauma’, big and small, real or imagined at a core level if you want to truly find healing, health and happiness.

Today, Vera’s found purpose is to support women to experience liberation through body based, somatic practice and better conversations.

Vera is renewed and committed to helping women to heal their struggle freeing thier body, mind and hearts. This invitation is to have a conversation and see what you think. 



What other women are saying about working with Vera

"Vera is an incredible teacher and guide. I am so grateful to her for introducing me to to this priceless tool to process emotions and trauma. I love her energetic yet calm aura. I also appreciate her taking the time to explain the work. Vera is a gift to the world in general and with the addition of breathwork she is her truest self yet!"

Melissa Grooms

“I loved everything about this workshop. The conversation, the exercises, the breathwork, and I love Vera!"

Gayle P

"Working with Vera has been truly remarkable. Her infectious wonderful personality coupled with her passion for helping women discover their true selves has been life-changing in ways I never imagined. I highly recommend Vera’s perspective and work."

Teri C

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Arizona, USA